More SPs
Gym again, today. The only thing more disheartening than moving to a station recently-vacated by an ox of a guy, and moving the weight pin down to about a third of the load (and struggling with even that), is doing so on multiple occasions during a gym session. o_O
Anyways, another SP (from yesterday). Tried using more saturated colors this time round, though it's still a little funky. No makeup, though! :p Oh yeah, and I forgot my eyebrows. Doh!

Just finished up one for today. Non-ref'd this time; just wanted to get the hang of colors again, as well as get used to the new paint behavior in Artrage2. Gave myself better cheekbones. :p Forgot eyebrows again. Doh!

forgot them again, did ya? why don't you just admit it: you shaved them off again.
2:59 AM, April 19, 2006
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