Tweak tweak tweak.
Okay, did some fixing and added another accessory. The main reason the proportions were throwing me off was a slight miscalculation on the part of aligning my measuring grid (going with just shy of an 8-head-tall male):
Anyways, fixed up the overall proportions, tweaked the neck area, broadened the shoulders just a teeny bit, played with the forearms, and added a combat knife and sheath to the front of the LBV.

The forearm size is partly a stylistic choice, influenced heavily by Free Radical's art style (I've long been a fan). I may revisit them at a later juncture, though. I'll be fixing up the elbow area, though. "The arms...get too thin as they reach the distal epiphysis of the humerus." Damn you Theresa, what's with the fucking medical terms?
If you're wondering why the first tri count is actually lower this time, it's mainly because I accidentally included the cigarette in the tricount the first time round.
edit: Oops. Think the wire display got screwed up in the front view. :hmm: Relooped the knee area, though, it's mostly visible.
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