What, me, write?
So I'm thinking about entering NaNoWriMo. I remember Praxis getting in on that a couple years back (you planning on participating this year?). While I have no illusions about actually finishing, what with all the freelance I should hopefully have lined up, it might be an interesting way to inspire some different creative juices for my artwork. Besides, I havent really done any sort of creative writing in yonks.
Now I just need to figure out what to write. :p
Update: Well, I've signed up.

Uh, you should totally do it, dude. I was doing 2k a night until I had a hardware failure on the machine that I was dumping the text data to. That happened about two weeks ago.
So right now I'm dead in the water at 20k words.
5:05 AM, November 30, 2006
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