Shock and horror
We get Cartoon Network over here, but where's my Adult Swim?! I sorely miss Venture Brothers.
The ramblings of a stark raving lunatic follow...
We get Cartoon Network over here, but where's my Adult Swim?! I sorely miss Venture Brothers.
This may actually be the quickest retraction I will ever make in my life. Red Dalek has thoughtfully pointed me to another announcement on the IEBlog listing fixes to, among other things, everything that was ever broken about IE's CSS compliance. Mind you, I'm taking this news with a fair handful of salt, being that we've gone from getting PNG alpha, to full CSS 2.0 compliance, in the space of a day. But I'll reserve judgement until the next beta release. Who knows, maybe we can all finally stop worrying about layout hacks. :)
...You've given yet another burgeoning web developer the motivation to gouge out his own kneecaps with a spoon ("...because it's dull, you twit; it'll hurt more." God bless you Alan Rickman). IE never ceases to amaze me with its blatant disregard of web standards set forth by the W3C, in particular of CSS. As any aspiring web developer/designer can tell you, working with CSS in IE requires an inane amount of workarounds, "fixes," and hair-pulling. God bless Firefox.
"Our goal is to get feedback from this group, do a bunch more work around quality (performance, security, reliability, etc.) and some features (e.g. additional standards support beyond what’s in beta 1, additional functionality around tabs and RSS, etc.), and release Beta 2 much more broadly."
-Dean, in the IE7b1 release announcement
Yup, that's me. Observed, watched, scrutinized. Without the satisfaction of even knowing why. o_O
I've got me an interface and a splash for my in-construction portfolio site. And by interface, I mean a graphical mockup. Still needs some clean up and love, but I reckon it'll work. Now it's onto the boring part: code. Yet another reason to switch over to Dreamhost: free MySQL. Anyways, time to look at pretty pictures (click on the thumbnails for a full-size).
So your-site seems to have had some kind of catastrophic meltdown, or something, since I haven't been able to access any your-site hosted pages for the last 4 hours. Including their company page. o_O I seriously should get around to switching to Dreamhost. Like I've been saying for months now. Hopefully your-site comes back up soon enough, so I can at least grab a bunch of files that I don't have backups of. Grr. (If my avatar and the FireFox images show up by the time you read this, then those idiots are back up)
So I met up with a friend for dinner last night, which was fun. Did a lot of catching up. Another friend was supposed to meet up with me for drinks after, but JP Morgan got caught up in a shitstorm when China revalued the yuan, so he got stuck working late. So the two of us finished up dinner, headed over to the riverfront, and drunk ourselves into a stupor over a $100 bottle of wine, her treat. More catching up and burnt lungs followed. All in all, a pretty good night.
So it's been just over 5 years that I've been back in my home country, and to be honest, it doesn't feel all that strange. Oh, sure, stuff's changed, building's have gone down and new ones have come up, but really, it's the same place I left. I got in this morning, local time (GMT+8, so 12 hours ahead of y'all in the DC area), at about 1.45am, an hour behind schedule. I don't plan on flying Northwest again, if I can help it. On a slightly tangential note, I couldn't help but think of the old NWA (Niggaz With Attitudes) each time I saw the Northwest logo.